The curriculum is dedicated to protecting and promoting human dignity and rights within an Islamic framework that is grounded on Islamic ethics.
- As an Islamic institution, the Canadian Islamic College is dedicated to protecting and promoting family values. Islam places so much emphasis on cohesive and tranquil families and defines their role in a holistic education of the next generations.
- As an Islamic institution, the Canadian Islamic College is dedicated to protecting and promoting equity (qist), which is the achievement of balance between the haves and the have nots. Islam places a great emphasis on a culture of charity, moderation and help.
Our Program at Canadian Islamic College is carefully designed to create a learning community by preparing learners for an enhanced level of awareness and literacy in the Islamic tradition and to be aware of the contemporary areas of justice and outreach through dialogue of faith and reason.
The CIC’s learning environment will provide more than a high-quality education but a transformative experience for our students. This will prepare our students to become agents of positive change in their communities, through knowledge transfer and cultural enrichment.