At the heart of Academic program is the Core Curriculum which is composed of compulsory courses that that are designed to provide a robust interdisciplinary foundation which is deeply esteemed in Islamic-world view.
It integrates Islamic knowledge and perspectives across disciplinary boundaries with a particular emphasis on the disciplines of Qurʾan and Sunnah studies, Islamic Thought and Objectives of Islamic Law, Islamic Economics and Finance, and Muslim Cultures and Communities.
The syllabus introduces major religious traditions, offers cumulative levels of depth in the analysis of these traditions and their theological texts, and critically compares specific features – such as ethics and morals (akhlaq), acts of worship (‘ibadat), and Tazkiya.
It emphasizes rigorous intellectual inquiry and experiential learning with a focus on the development of broader learning skills like problem-solving, project management, teamwork and communication. It is designed to prepare students for several careers including but not limited to: Law; Journalism; Media; Policy development; Business; Social Work; Ethics Consultation; Politics; Banking.